Thursday, 16 March 2017

The Colour Run at RSG!

This year at Rainham School for girls, 2017, are holding a colour run once again. It will take place on the 24th of March 2017.  The RSG colour run was founded in 2014 by Miss T Stelfox, who is the head of KS4. Everyone finds the event exciting and memorable.

This year we have interviewed a variety of people who currently attend Rainham School for Girls' about their view on the colour run. We have asked teachers, students and sixth formers. All participants have positive views on the subject. They all comment that they always do it or want to do it.

Miss Hughes, who is currently supervising the BBC news school report, said “I have never taken part in the colour run but I would love to do it this year.” She has been teaching at Rainham School for Girls' since the colour run was first founded.

Mr McCoy also stated that he has never participated in a colour run as he lived in Australia when it took place. He would love to participate in this event if the opportunity came around.

Some of the year 10s comment that “Everyone gets involved and it brings everyone closer together.” They have done it since year 7 and loved to take part.

 Some year 7s say they are really excited to do it because it is there first year doing it. They are trying really hard to fundraise for the event. Megan commented that “the event looked ‘cool’ and is very colourful.”

 Sophie said “That she will be rising over £30 and it will be the most she has ever. Raised for any event she has ever done. It is her biggest achievement ever.”

We also asked some sixth formers who said that when they took part in the colour run they loved it. They thought that it was really memorable and they would love to do it again. Polly is a sixth former and she said that she did in year 10 and absolutely loved it.

But the real question is whether the colour run will be just as good as last year? Let's hope for sunshine!


By Tifainé, Megan and Grace.

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