Thursday, 16 March 2017


Mental health affects 1 in 10 children and young adults. These disorders can include: OCD, depression, anxiety, conduct disorder and are usually caused due to their personal lives. Mental health issue can start from an early stage in their lives; this can lead to self – harm. Unfortunately people are no getting the proper treatment for their conditions.
 Mrs Moon, who is currently the head of Rainham School for Girls Library and computing room (IRC). She said that if you have a mental health disorder then rather than going to your school about your problem you should also consider going to your local GP about your problem and asking for professional help. However, schools can help with stress problems and can assist once they have been given direct orders from your doctor.
We also asked a sixth former about her views on the subject. Tilly said “mental health is very important and should be taken care of in the correct way with professional help. A way to improve mental health problems is by implementing a certain system that tests people to see if they have hidden disorders or a possibility that they can get it.”
70% of young adults experience mental problems and many haven’t had the right treatment. I believe that many of these problems are caused by being stuck in a problem that happened in the past. This includes problems such as being bullied in the past or family deaths.
People are forced to live a life unhealthy because of their mental problems and many hospitals aren’t able to give people the help that they need.
Some of our participants have said that these services should be free but some disagree. Some others think that there should be as much help as possible and more local mental health services.
Mental health disorders are extremely important if they are not treated with the correct care then they could be severely hurt or have unfixable problems for a very long time. I personally think that there should be more workers or volunteers to make sure that these issues are attended to in the right manner.
By Tifaine, Patricia and Grace

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing recent updates regarding the concern, I look forward to read more.
