Thursday, 16 March 2017


The Colour Run, which takes place on the 24th of March, is said to be one of the most mesmerizingly memorable days ever to take place at Rainham School for Girls. The Colour Run was founded in 2013 by Miss T Stellfox the head of KS4. This year, a group of high striding year 7`s have been carefully selected to interview both teachers and students about their experiences/views on the colour run. The money raised from the run will be going to amazing charity’s and some to the marathon team running the London marathon later this year.

Former students and teachers have left RSG saying that the colour run was possibly one of their favourite activities during their time here. Polly, a six former, said “I really enjoyed the colour run however; the paint simply wouldn’t wash out!” It's such a great event that some teachers said that they were extremely disappointed that they couldn’t participate as they were teaching lessons. Mr Ice, a science teacher said, “I have never taken part as I have just joined the school however I would love to take part!”

Where the colour run will begin next week
Although a few students say the Colour Run is a waste of money and paint most disagree and say it’s a way to bring people together and get everyone involved in a fun way to do sports. A group of year 7`s said “it’s a great way to raise money for the chosen charities and also a good way to spent time to your friends.”

Many said that if they were to summarise it in three words they would call it fun, energetic and memorable.

Will it be as successful as last year?

We will soon find out!


By Grace, Eleanor and Maddie

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