results show that 1 in 100 children suffer from a type of OCD (obsessive
compulsive disorder). Recent studies have shown that more than 15% of children
suffer from a type of anxiety. Although many children in the UK have a type of
OCD or anxiety, some cases can lead to stress and depression witch can destroy
a child’s life and can eventually lead extreme mental health issues.
However this
can be prevented by making sure staff have proper training when dealing with
children with mental health issues. OCD can happen in many different
circumstances. One of the most common syndromes is worries about germs. A girl
in Year 10 (who shall stay unnamed) said, “I have had OCD for most of my life
and one day hope to overcome it although, sometimes it’s difficult to live
One of the
most devastating types of OCD to have is vivid images of cruelty or in some way
seeing a loved family member being abused. A girl in Year 8 cried in the
interview as she knew someone who had this.
People with
an anxiety disorder are 3 to 5 more times likely to need to see a doctor and
six times more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders than those
without anxiety disorders. This shows that anxiety is a terrible mental health
disorder. Treatment is out there but sadly only one-third of the people
suffering receive treatment!
It's not
uncommon for someone with an anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or
vice versa. Nearly one-half of those diagnosed with depression are also
diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
Anyone can
help stop OCD and Anxiety by donating to children charities. We believe that
mental health awareness should be increased!
By Grace and Olivia
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